Interface XmlContext

public interface XmlContext

Inner Class Summary
static class XmlContext.Standalone
          A type-safe enumeration for the possible values of the standalone pseudo-attribute in the XML declaration.
static class XmlContext.XmlSpace
          A type-safe enumeration for the valid values of an xml:space attribute.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getBaseUri()
          Returns the base URI of this item.
 java.lang.String getCharacterEncodingScheme()
          Returns the name of the character encoding scheme used to encode the external entity containing this item.
 XmlDtd getDtd()
          Returns the DTD of the document or null if the DTD is not yet known.
 java.util.Map getInScopeNamespaces()
          Returns an unmodifiable map representing the in-scope namespaces.
 XmlContext.Standalone getStandalone()
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          Returns the version in the XML declaration or text declaration of the external entity containing this object, or null if there was no XML declaration or text declaration, or if the text declaration did not specify a version.
 java.lang.String getXmlLang()
          Returns the current applicable value of the xml:lang attribute, or null if there is no appicable value.
 XmlContext.XmlSpace getXmlSpace()
          Returns the current applicable value of the xml:space attribute, or null if there is no applicable value or the applicable value is invalid.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getBaseUri()
Returns the base URI of this item. Returns null if the base URI is unknown.
a String containing the base URI of the this item


public java.lang.String getCharacterEncodingScheme()
Returns the name of the character encoding scheme used to encode the external entity containing this item. Returns null if the character encoding scheme is unknown.
a String containing the name of the character encoding scheme


public XmlDtd getDtd()
Returns the DTD of the document or null if the DTD is not yet known. The DTD is known as soon as the document type declaration has been read or the start-tag of the document element is seen.
an XmlDtd object representing the DTD of the document


public java.lang.String getVersion()
Returns the version in the XML declaration or text declaration of the external entity containing this object, or null if there was no XML declaration or text declaration, or if the text declaration did not specify a version.


public java.util.Map getInScopeNamespaces()
Returns an unmodifiable map representing the in-scope namespaces. The map maps namespace prefixes to namespace URIs. The value for a null key gives the default namespace. The map will always include an entry for the prefix xml.


public XmlContext.Standalone getStandalone()


public java.lang.String getXmlLang()
Returns the current applicable value of the xml:lang attribute, or null if there is no appicable value.


public XmlContext.XmlSpace getXmlSpace()
Returns the current applicable value of the xml:space attribute, or null if there is no applicable value or the applicable value is invalid.