addFeature(XmlFeature) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
Sometimes a particular value for one feature must imply a particular value for another feature.
allDeclarationsProcessed() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd
ALLOW_SPLIT_TEXT - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for an attribute.


BUILTIN_ENTITY_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for a reference to one of the 5 builtin entities (<, >, &, ", ').


CDATA - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as CDATA.
CDATA_SECTION - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for a CDATA section.
CHARACTER_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for a character reference.
close() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScanner
Releases resources associated with this XmlScanner.
com.thaiopensource.pullax - package com.thaiopensource.pullax
Provides a pull API for XML processing.
COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for a comment.
copy() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
createScanner(XmlInputSource) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory


DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.XmlSpace
DOCUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for a document type declaration.


EMPTY_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for an empty element.
END_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for the end of an element.
END_ENTITY - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for the end of the replacement of a general entity.
ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as ENTITIES.
ENTITY - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as ENTITY.
ENUMERATION - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attribute whose declared value is a group of NMTOKENs.
ERROR - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlSeverity


FATAL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlSeverity
findScannerFactory() - Static method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactoryFinder
findScannerFactory(XmlFeature[]) - Static method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactoryFinder
format() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException
format(Locale) - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException
format(XmlReport) - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportFormat


getAttribute(int) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContentItem
Returns the attribute with index i.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContentItem
Returns the attribute with the specified localName and no namespace URI.
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContentItem
Returns the attribute with the specified localName and namespaceUri.
getAttributeCount() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContentItem
Returns the number of attributes of this item.
getAttributeDefinitions() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlElementType
The returned Map must be unmodifiable.
getAttributeIndex() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeItem
Gets the index of this attribute within all the attributes of the element.
getAttributeType() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeItem
Returns null if the attribute is not declared in the DTD.
getAttributeType() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeDefinition
getBaseUri() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlExternalId
getBaseUri() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
Returns the base URI of this item.
getCharacterEncodingScheme() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
Returns the name of the character encoding scheme used to encode the external entity containing this item.
getColumnNumber() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlLocation
getContext() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the context of this item.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeDefinition
getDtd() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
Returns the DTD of the document or null if the DTD is not yet known.
getElementTypes() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd
The returned Map must be unmodifiable.
getEncoding() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlInputStreamInputSource
getEncoding() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReaderInputSource
getEntityResolver() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
getExternalId() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd
getExternalId() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlEntity
getGeneralEntities() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd
The returned Map must be unmodifiable.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlInputStreamInputSource
getInScopeNamespaces() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
Returns an unmodifiable map representing the in-scope namespaces.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportFormat
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportFormat
getInternalSubset() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd
getItemType() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the type of this item.
getLineNumber() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlLocation
getLocale() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
getLocalName() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the local name of this item, or null if the item does not gave a name.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the location of the first character of the item.
getLocation() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReport
getLocation() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException
getMessage() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReport
getName() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the name of the this item, or null if the item does not have a name.
getNamespaceUri() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the namespace URI of this item, or null if the item does not have a namespaced URI.
getNotation() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlEntity
getNotations() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd
The returned Map must be unmodifiable.
getPrefix() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the prefix of this item, or null if the item does not have a prefix.
getPublicId() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlExternalId
getReader() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReaderInputSource
getReplacementText() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlEntity
getReport() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException
getReporter() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
getSeverity() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReport
getSeverity() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException
getStandalone() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
getSystemId() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlExternalId
getUri() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlInputStreamInputSource
getUri() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlLocation
getUri() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReaderInputSource
getValue() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
Returns the value of this item or null if the item does not have a value.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
Returns the version in the XML declaration or text declaration of the external entity containing this object, or null if there was no XML declaration or text declaration, or if the text declaration did not specify a version.
getXmlLang() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
Returns the current applicable value of the xml:lang attribute, or null if there is no appicable value.
getXmlSpace() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext
Returns the current applicable value of the xml:space attribute, or null if there is no applicable value or the applicable value is invalid.


hasElementContent() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlElementType
hasFeature(XmlFeature) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
hasMoreItems() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScanner


ID - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as ID.
IDREF - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as IDREF.
IDREFS - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as IDREFS.
INFORMATION - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlSeverity
isNamespaceDecl() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeItem
Determines whether this attribute represents a namespace declaration.
isSpecified() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeItem
Indicates whether this attribute was specified in the instance rather than defaulted from the DTD.


nextItem() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScanner
Returns the next item.
NMTOKEN - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as NMTOKEN.
NMTOKENS - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as NMTOKENS.
NO - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.Standalone
NOTATION - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
The attribute type for attributes declared as NOTATION.


PRESERVE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.XmlSpace
PRESERVE_ATTRIBUTE_ORDER - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for a processing instruction.


report(XmlReport) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReporter
resolve(XmlExternalId) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlEntityResolver


scanProcessingInstructions() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd
scanUnnormalizedValue() - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeItem
Returns a scanner for the unnormalized value of this attribute.
setEntityResolver(XmlEntityResolver) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
setFeatures(XmlFeature[]) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
Adds the specified features to the factory and removes all other features.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
setReporter(XmlReporter) - Method in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory
SHOW_BUILTIN_ENTITY_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of references to the 5 builtin entities.
SHOW_CDATA_SECTION - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of CDATA sections.
SHOW_CHARACTER_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of character references.
SHOW_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of comments.
SHOW_DOCUMENT_ENTITY - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of the document entity.
SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of the document type declaration.
SHOW_EMPTY_ELEMENT - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of empty elements.
SHOW_EXTERNAL_ENTITY - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of references to external general parsed entities.
SHOW_INTERNAL_ENTITY - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of references to internal general parsed entities.
SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of processing instructions.
SHOW_TOP_LEVEL_WHITESPACE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of top-level whitespace.
SHOW_UNEXPANDED_ENTITY_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls handling of unexpanded entity references.
SKIP_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
SKIP_PARAMETER_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
SKIP_PARAMETER_ENTITIES_IF_STANDALONE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
START_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for the start of an element.
START_ENTITY - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for the start of the replacement of a general entity.


TEXT - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for characters of data.
TOP_LEVEL_WHITESPACE - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for a top-level whitespace.
toString() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlSeverity
toString() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException
toString() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType
toString() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.Standalone
toString() - Method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.XmlSpace


UNEXPANDED_ENTITY_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem
The item type for an unexpanded entity reference.
uriFeature(String) - Static method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature


VALIDATE - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
The feature that controls XML 1.0 validation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType


WARNING - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlSeverity


XML - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlNamespaces
The namespace URI bound to the xml prefix.
XmlAbortException - exception com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAbortException.
XmlAbortException() - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAbortException
XmlAttributeDefinition - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeDefinition.
XmlAttributeItem - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeItem.
XmlAttributeType - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlAttributeType.
A type-safe enumeration for the XML 1.0 type of an attribute.
XmlContentItem - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContentItem.
XmlContext - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.
XmlContext.Standalone - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.Standalone.
A type-safe enumeration for the possible values of the standalone pseudo-attribute in the XML declaration.
XmlContext.XmlSpace - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.XmlSpace.
A type-safe enumeration for the valid values of an xml:space attribute.
XmlDtd - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlDtd.
Represents an XML DTD.
XmlElementType - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlElementType.
XmlEntity - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlEntity.
XmlEntityResolver - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlEntityResolver.
XmlException - exception com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlException.
XmlException() - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlException
XmlException(String) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlException
XmlExternalId - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlExternalId.
XmlExternalId(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlExternalId
XmlFeature - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature.
XmlFeature() - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFeature
XmlFileInputSource - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFileInputSource.
XmlFileInputSource(File) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFileInputSource
XmlFileInputSource(String) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlFileInputSource
XmlInputSource - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlInputSource.
XmlInputStreamInputSource - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlInputStreamInputSource.
XmlInputStreamInputSource(InputStream, String, String) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlInputStreamInputSource
XmlItem - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlItem.
XmlLocation - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlLocation.
XmlNamespaces - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlNamespaces.
Declares some well-known namespace URIs.
XmlNotSupportedException - exception com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlNotSupportedException.
XmlNotSupportedException() - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlNotSupportedException
XMLNS - Static variable in interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlNamespaces
The namespace URI for attributes serving as namespace declarations.
XmlReaderInputSource - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReaderInputSource.
XmlReaderInputSource(Reader, String, String) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReaderInputSource
XmlReport - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReport.
XmlReport(XmlSeverity, XmlLocation, String) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReport
XmlReporter - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReporter.
XmlReportException - exception com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException.
XmlReportException(XmlReport) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportException
XmlReportFormat - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportFormat.
XmlReportFormat(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlReportFormat
XmlScanner - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScanner.
Interface for scanning an XML document.
XmlScannerFactory - interface com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactory.
XmlScannerFactoryFinder - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactoryFinder.
XmlScannerFactoryFinder() - Constructor for class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlScannerFactoryFinder
XmlSeverity - class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlSeverity.


YES - Static variable in class com.thaiopensource.pullax.XmlContext.Standalone